Gerhard Diller
Director/Chair at a leading national centre for structural and congenital heart disease in Münster, Germany and Consultant Cardiologist and Honorary Professor at the Royal Brompton Hospital London, United Kingdom. My research focus is on applying statistical methods, big data analysis and machine learning based techniques to various cardiovascular cohorts. I have a recognized publication track record ranging from analytical physiologic studies, bench-based research to epidemiologic studies and deep learning-based research in cardiovascular disease. In addition, I have a formal background and strong academic interest in health economic topics (including the impact of socioeconomic status on access to care and outcome, cost utility analysis and the effect of competition on clinical outcome) as well as advanced statistical methods. Together with my co-workers I have recently developed and applied state‐of‐the‐art machine learning techniques aiming to improve patient outcomes pertaining to the cardiovascular system which have resulted in several high ranked publications as well as considerable interest from the academic community. I currently act as a deputy lead for Precision Digital Health within the eCardiology group of the German Cardiac Society (DGK). In addition, I am the immediate past chair of the ESC working group on Adults Congenital Heart disease as well as an associate Editor for JACC, JACC Advances, International Journal of Cardiology and the Journal of Clinical Medicine.